2023 Meetings

Calendar of meetings

Published Minutes

Minutes 22 November 2023
Agenda 22 November
Draft Minutes 25 October 2023
Planning Report 16 November 2023
Planning Report 22 November 2023
Kimpton Pre School update
Bench Working Party Report 19 Nov 2023
Christmas Market Notes 13th November 2023
Payments 15 Nov 2023
Receipts 15 Nov 2023
Receipts and payments against budget report 15 Nov 2023
Bank reconciliation 15 Nov 2023
Budget 2024 to 2025 v4
Kimpton School Grant Application Nov 2023

Minutes 25 October 2023
Agenda 25 October
Minutes 20 September 2023
Planning Report 19 October 2023
Bench Working Party Report for September 2023
Kimpton Christmas Market Notes 9th October 2023
Pavilion Refurbishment Project Report October 2023
Pavilion layout final
Anti-Fraud, Corruption and Theft Policy Oct 2023
Proposed cafe fit out 19 Oct
Payments 19 October 2023
Receipts 19 October 2023
Budget Summary 19 Oct 2023
Bank reconciliation 23 October 2023
Budget 2024 to 2025 v1

Minutes 20 September 2023
Agenda 20 September
Minutes 19 July 2023
Planning Report 14 September 2023
Planning Report 21 September 2023
Working Party Meeting 8th August 2023
Bench Working Party Report 14 September 2023
Christmas Market meeting notes 13th September 2023
Sports Club Working Party
Financial risk assessment 1 Apr 23 to 31 Mar 24
Payments 14 Sept 2023
Receipts 14 Sept 2023
Receipts and payments against budget 14 Sept 2023
Bank reconciliation 14 Sept 2023
Kimpton Pre-School Grant Application Sept 2023
Staffing Committee Agenda 18th September
Clerks Report on Training

Minutes 19 July 2023
Agenda 19 July 2023
Minutes 28 June 2023
Committee and Working Parties Terms of Reference July 2023
Planning Report 19 July
Planning Report 19 July updated
Allotment Working Party 18th July 2023
Allotment report July 2023
Payments 12 July 2023
Receipts 12 July 2023
Receipts and Payments Budget Report 12 July 2023
Bank reconciliation 12 July 2023

Minutes 28 June 2023
Agenda 28 June
Minutes Annual Council Meeting 24 May 2023
Child, Young People and Vulnerable Adult Protection Policy June 2023 v3
Planning Report 28 June
Planning Report 22 June 2023
Allotment Working Party Meeting 13th June 2023
BWP report 27 06 23
Proposals to create Parkfield Meadow June 2023

KPC Pavilion Reduced Scope Layout 070623
Payments 22 June
Receipts 22 June 2023
Budget report 21 June 2023
Bank reconciliation 21 June 2023
Line marking

Minutes Annual Council Meeting 24 May 2023
Agenda 24 May
Draft Minutes 26 April 2023
Child and Vulnerable Adult Protection Policy May 2023
Code of Conduct May 2023
Complaints Procedure May 2023
Data Protection Policy May 2023
Disciplinary and Grievance Arrangements May 2023
Environment Policy May 2023
Equal Opportunity Statement and Policy May 2023
Equality and Diversity Policy May 2023
Financial Regulations May 2023
General Privacy Notice May 2023
General Reserves Policy May 2023
Grant Awarding Policy May 2023
KPC Grant application form 2023
Health and Safety Policy 2023
Pensions Discretions Policy May 2023
Publication Scheme May 2023
Scheme of delegation to Committees and Clerk May 2023
Standing Orders May 2023
Training Development Policy for Councillors and Officers May 2023
Treasury and Investment Policy May 2023

Planning Report 24 May updated
Allotment Working Party meeting 8th May 2023
Bench Working Party Report
Parkfield Map – Updated

Payments list 18 May 2023
Receipts list 18 May 2023
Summary of receipts and payments 18 May 2023
Bank reconciliation 18 May 2023

Annual Parish Meeting 2023 Agenda
Annual Report 2023
Annual Parish Meeting 2023 Minutes

Minutes 26 April 2023
Agenda 26 April
Draft Minutes 22 March 2023
Planning Report 26 April
BWP Report to KPC 21 04 23
BWP jobs 26 04 23
Inspection Report Recreation Ground
Inspection Report Wren Close
Rights of Way Meeting 16.03.2023
District Cllr R G Muncer Report 24 April 2023
Budget report 20 April 2023
Bank reconciliation 20 Apr 2023
Internal Audit Summary 2022-23
Year_End_Internal_Audit_Observations 2022-23
Statement of accounts year end 31 Mar 2023
AGAR year end 31 Mar 2023
Kimpton Players Revised Grant Application 15022023 rec 19042023
CAD drawing of Kimpton Players Hut
Kimpton Players Income and Expenditure Account 31 Dec 2022
Kimpton Players Accounts year end 31 Dec 2021

Minutes 22nd March 2023
Agenda 22 March
Planning Report updated
Sports Clubs Meeting notes 14 March 2023
Cllr R G Muncer Report
Payments 15 March 2023
Receipts 15 March 2023
Budget report 15 March 2023
Bank reconciliation 15 March 2023
Annual payments as per budget
Annual payments as per budget updated  

Minutes 22 Feb 2023
Agenda 22 February
Planning Report with comments
BWP report 15 02 23
Cllr R G Muncer – Report to Parish Council Meeting
Payments list 16 Feb 2023
Receipts 16 Feb 2023
Budget report 16 Feb 2023
Bank reconciliation 16 Feb 2023
Kimpton Players Grant Application 15 February 2023
Kimpton PreSchool Grant application form 17 Feb 2023
Asset Register
Action Plan rev Feb 2023
Inventory of Personal Data Feb 2023
IT Security Policy Feb 2023
Retention and Disposal Document Policy Feb 2023
Subject Access Request Procedure

Minutes 25 January

Planning Working Party Report with KPC comments
Agenda 25 January
Draft Minutes 23 November
Planning Report 190123
Letter from William Taylor First Responder
Grant application Welwyn Hatfield First Responders Group
BWP report 16 01 23
Kimpton Christmas Market 2022 16 Jan 2023 notes
Pavilion layout final
Cllr R G Muncer – Report to Parish Council Meeting – January 2023
Payments 18 Jan 2023
Receipts 18 Jan 2023
Budget report 18 Jan 2023
All banks 18 Jan 2023 reconciliation
Internal financial controls Jan 2023
Letter to landowners re cycle path
Cycle Path – Porters Lane
Cycle Path – Probyn Close