Living Here


Allotment plots are great for keeping fit, enjoying the outdoors, finding some peace and quiet and of course, growing healthy fruit and vegetables!
They are also really beneficial to help families live a healthy lifestyle, build new friendships with other allotment holders, while boosting our local community.​

Kimpton Parish Council is responsible for the management of the Hall Lane allotment site which is behind the playing fields of Kimpton Primary School and BT Exchange, accessed off either Pam’s Lane or Hall Lane. The site has a variety of size plots to suit the needs of people with charging at £0.39 per m2. Allotment site layout with plot sizes

A couple of plots have become available so please contact the Parish Clerk the Parish Clerk, Carina Helmn

For information, here are the terms of the Tenancy agreement Feb 2024

If you would like to find out more about what being an allotment holder is all about please read Allotments, A Plotholder’s Guide and we have produced a leaflet with some useful information about our site Our Allotments pamphlet

Allotment Privacy Policy

Community Defibrillators

With the help of generous donations from residents, Kimpton Parish Council has installed four Community Public Access Defibrillators in Kimpton, one in Peters Green and one in Blackmore End. Kimpton Tennis Club has funded a defibrillator located at Parkfield Sports Ground. Enterprize Park has an outside defibrillator that can be used by everyone in need. The outside defibrillators are housed in a bright yellow cabinet and are clearly visible on the external walls of the buildings or inside the Memorial Hall, without a cabinet.

The locations for the defibrillators are:

  1. Outside Kimpton Primary School
  2. Outside Budgens, Claggy Road
  3. Outside Enterprize Park, Claggy Road
  4. Inside Kimpton Memorial Hall
  5. Outside Kimpton Tennis Clubhouse, Parkfield Sports Ground
  6. Outside Bright Star PH, Peters Green in a red phone box
  7. Outside The Pavilion, Recreation Ground
  8. Outside right side Beech Way, Blackmore End


The defibrillators are installed in weatherproof cabinets and can be opened in an emergency. No prior training is needed to operate a defibrillator as the units we purchased have a graphic display which shows users where to locate the pads on a patient. It will work on both adults and children and delivers very clear spoken voice prompts. It will only administer a shock to a patient if it detects that the heart is in a condition where a shock is required.

As The Community Heartbeat Trust says “No one will criticise you for trying to save a life! The defibrillator will not function unless it determines there is a need, so do not worry about using one!”.

The following links provide information on the use of defibrillators in the community and details of Life Line View, the chosen unit installed in Kimpton.

Martin Fagan’s awareness talk
Lifeline View Film 

Clearing the wildflower bank at Parkfield

Food Table

Don’t go hungry.

Take what you need from the Food Table at the back of the Church. (open during daylight hours)

If you can’t get there we will deliver: ring Kimpton Cares 07745 903539

Highways and Parking

For a map allowing you to view live traffic, road closures, diversions road and street works which may have an effect on your journey.  The map includes utility street works and local authority roadworks.

This map is streamed live from

Notes from the Highways and Parking Working Party:

Highways and Parking WP Minutes 16 July 2019</a

Highways and Parking WP Minutes 7 November 2018 FINAL (9) (2)

Kimpton Bench Working Party

This is a group of volunteers, men and women, that meet once a week to do a variety of jobs around the village. Jobs such as painting railings, trimming hedges, mending gravestones, repairing fences, putting up Christmas lights and so on. Our origins are in repairing old and installing new benches – hence the title of the group. Keeping the village benches stained and repaired is still one of our tasks. We also help at local functions, for instance, manning the gate at The Kimpton Horse Show, putting up tables at The Kimpton Autumn Show. An activity report is made each month to Kimpton Parish Council. There is a seemingly inexhaustible number of things to do to keep Kimpton tidy so new members are always welcome.

Bob Finch, 
Bench Working Party Co-ordinator.

More information on

Kimpton Cares


If you find yourself in need of help during this time of crisis, for any reason, please contact 07745 903539 or

Our team of volunteers can help in many ways:

  • Collect shopping or prescriptions
  • A practical emergency
  • Access food banks
  • Simply to be a listening ear

Unfortunately we cannot enter your home due to social distancing guidance, but we will do whatever we can to help you out. The phone will be manned 8am to 8pm, with an answerphone outside these hours. Please be assured all contact will be dealt with in the strictest confidence.

Take care and stay safe

Kimpton Map


Kimpton Parish Church

Kimpton Church website

Neighbourhood Watch

Join more than 165,000 households who are helping to protect our local communities in Hertfordshire

Neighbourhood Watch is one of the most successful crime prevention initiatives ever.  It is based on the simple idea that you and your neighbours can to help to reduce crime and create a safer community.

We encourage neighbours to look out for each other; keep an eye on their homes when they are out; watch out for those who are elderly or vulnerable; and receive and share our alerts and crime prevention advice to help keep you, your homes and property safe.

Your policing team will keep you informed about what is happening near you and how you can help, for example to look out for stolen property or help find missing people.   We will alert you about crimes, scams or other incidents in your area; we’ll circulate appeals for information or witnesses; and keep you up-to-date with the latest crime prevention advice to share with your friends and neighbours to help you to keep yourselves and your property safe.

Our News June 2024



KPC considers the Planning Working Party reports at the monthly council meetings

NHDC planning application page

Public Spaces and Playgrounds

Our public spaces and playgrounds are a key focal point in our community and vital for bringing people together for a wide variety of activities. They offer great places to relax, socialise, attend community events, play sports and stay active, especially during the sunshine of summer.
In Kimpton the parish council manages the Recreation Ground, Wrens Close play area, Parkfield Sports Ground, The Green Kimpton, The Green Peters Green, Garden Fields, and Coopers Hill. From our new outdoor table tennis table and outdoor fitness equipment helping residents of all ages and fitness levels to improve their health to the comprehensive play grounds for improving physical and mental well-being of our children, we hope you enjoy what we have to offer.

The pitch at the Recreation Ground, along with a changing room and toilets can be hired at £70 per game. For booking please contact the clerk.

Public Spaces June 2020

Taxi and buses


For bus routes 44, 45, 304 and 305 see Centrebus

A new after school route has been added starting 1st September 2021.

Walks and Cycle Rides


We will be devising some walks in and around Kimpton in the coming months and adding them to this website. If you have a special walk that you would be prepared to write up for others to use then please forward to

Our new Kimpton Country Walks leaflet Kimpton Country Walks

Whitwell and St Paul’s Walden


Wheathampstead Trail Map

Kimpton Public Rights Of Way

For more great circular walks around Hertfordshire

Hertfordshire Health Walks

Details of walks,EK1O,1M74D1,1OPVZ,1

Cycle Rides

Many residents enjoy cycling and so we will include suggested cycle rides around Kimpton. Again please let me know if you have a special local cycle ride that you would be prepared to share

Our thanks to the Chiltern Society for the following ride called ‘Peaceful Pedalling in the Northeast Chilterns’ which starts at Gustard Wood for a circular route of 19.7 miles. The Society also organises popular cycle rides on the first Thursday in a month, Graham Trent who designed this route is leading a group on 3rd August 2017.

Cycle ride starting Gustard Wood

Cycle network in Hertfordshire

Welcome Pack for New Residents

Welcome Pack Letter