Welcome to the Kimpton Website


The site provides news, details of local services, events and useful information whether you are a Kimpton resident, a visitor or work here.

Latest News

Greening Kimpton

Thank you to everyone who joined the online Greening Kimpton meeting earlier this week. It was wonderful to see so many faces 🌿🙋‍♂️🙋‍♀️ We were thrilled with the level of engagement and discussions...

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Death of HRH Prince Philip

Councillors and officers of Kimpton Parish Council are deeply saddened at the news of the death of His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. Our thoughts are with the Royal Family at this time. A Book of Condolences is available in Kimpton Parish Church...

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Kimpton Greening Campaign

About Greening Campaign Are you or your organisation interested in helping to create a ‘greener’ Kimpton? Our community wants to join together and begin to make a difference to help our environment. We believe that coming out of Lockdown, we should be looking to a...

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Local Elections

Local elections will be taking place in Hertfordshire on Thursday 6 May. Click here for information.

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Become a Kimpton Parish Councillor

Become a Kimpton Parish Councillor Do you care about Kimpton, Peter's Green and Blackmore End? Do you want to make a long-lasting change? Do you have innovative ideas? Due to a resignation, as the councillor is leaving the village, we have one vacancy for a parish...

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Herts Fire and Rescue – Wet Test

Herts County Council, Herts Fire and Rescue Service, Kimpton Parish Council, Environment Agency and North Herts District Council have been conducting water flow tests today on the recently cleansed drainage system. In doing so we understand that some residents have...

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Herts Fire and Rescue Wet Test

Herts Fire and Rescue (HFRS) will be in Claggy Road, Kimpton on Wednesday 31 March between 9:30am and 12:30pm to investigate how water flows could behave on Claggy Road should flooding occur. These timings are approximate, and the test may finish later, depending on...

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