
During the last few weeks our fleet of 58 gritters have often been out on two runs a day salting the county’s roads. This was because we have seen road temperatures dropping to around -5°C on several of the coldest nights for many years.

Gritters are sent out when road surface temperatures are forecast to be 0.5°c, or below and a hazard is expected.

We will, where practical and accessible, grit roads to schools, care homes, doctor’s surgeries, key pharmacies and libraries, as well as all the county’s A and B roads, bus routes (including school bus routes), roads with a 10% gradient or steeper and at least one route into every village. All residents can play their part by parking sensibly and not blocking roads.

So far this winter season (between October 2021 and now) we have been out on 27 gritting runs and used over 7000 tonnes of salt. We always take into account environmental issues with spreading salt and only use what is needed to keep the Hertfordshire roads safe. Salt is recognised as the best defence against snow and ice in the UK but is not magical.

Phil Bibby, Executive Member for Highways and Transport at Hertfordshire County Council said: “Please remember to always drive to the conditions, especially at this time of year. Just because it doesn’t look like there is ice doesn’t mean the roads are not slippery. If temperatures drop below zero and there is any moisture in the air they can still be slippery.”

For more information about our winter service programme, including the routes that we grit, or to receive real-time updates visit and follow the “Latest gritting updates”. You can also find information on how to clear snow and ice yourself.