Report fly-tipping

Fly-tipping is the term used to describe waste illegally dumped on land. This can range from a single black rubbish bag to multiple loads of construction waste and is increasingly more common on our lanes around Kimpton. NHDC treat fly tipping very seriously and will...

Kimpton Apple Juice

Kimpton Environmentalists are making Apple Juice again. Have you any apples to spare? Cookers and eaters welcome, but not russets. Apples must be freshly picked, undamaged & no windfalls. Any quantity welcome – even a small bag makes a bottle! Please bring...

Garden Waste Subscription

As you maybe aware the garden waste subscription period starts again from the 1st October 2021. NHDC has been contacting residents via email (for those with valid email addresses) and by post, for those without email to remind them to sign up again should they wish to...