Welcome to the Kimpton Website


The site provides news, details of local services, events and useful information whether you are a Kimpton resident, a visitor or work here.

Latest News

Free tree giveaway – express your interest now!

Up to 10,000 free trees will be given away to North Herts residents in the autumn and NHDC is inviting you to let them know now if you would like one. Tree species will include field maple, silver birch, common white birch, hornbeam, hazel, common hawthorn, beech,...

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Help for residents affected by restrictions

Following the Government announcement that Step 4 on the Roadmap out of Lockdown will be delayed until Monday 19 July, we wanted to remind our residents that help is available through the county website. There is a wide range of support services available to residents.

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Walk in vaccination clinics

COVID - 19 Walk in vaccination clinics for all those eligible this week: Robertson House, 6 Six Hills Way, Stevenage SG1 2FQ Friday 4th June, Saturday 5th June and Sunday 6th June 5.30pm to 7pm - Vaccine AstraZeneca Roche Pharmaceuticals, Hexagon Place, Falcon Way,...

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Water wall made for children to play

A fabulous water wall,made by members of the Bench Working Party, was presented to Kimpton Pre-School this week. By having fun playing with the numerous drains and levers it will encourage a curiosity in how things work and create our next generation of engineers!...

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A superb start to our Cricket academy

Over 50 youngsters joined the Kimpton Cricket Club inaugural sessions of the All Stars and the Dynamos cricket academy. A fantastic response to this local opportunity of enjoying outdoor physical exercise and learning new sporting skills. Well done all!

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What did Kimpton PC do last year?

Our Annual Report for 2020/21 will be presented to the Annual Parish meeting taking place on Wednesday 5th May via zoom at approx 9.00pm. Details of the projects and activities can be read in the report  

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Vote for your challenges

Thank you to everyone who joined the online Greening Kimpton meeting. It was wonderful to see so many faces 🙋‍♂‍🙋‍♀‍ We were thrilled with the level of engagement and discussions around how we can work together...

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