
Help Save the heart of the village

This campaign by Kimpton Pre-School has the aim of generating donations to the preschool and gaining parental interest in registering a place for your child. Please feel free to circulate this email to anyone you know in the village who can help, particularly to new families that have recently moved into Kimpton and the surrounding area.

Kimpton Parish Council was pleased to approve a grant of £2,000 last month to Kimpton Pre-School to show our continued commitment to this amazing local institution. The Pre-School Management Committee is greatly saddened by the situation and hopes to bring the entire Kimpton community together to prevent the loss of such an established and central part of so many children’s first foray into education.

Let’s get behind this campaign as any closure of the pre-school will also have impact on the fabric of the village and affect nursery intake at Kimpton Primary School.