
St Peter & St Paul Church, Kimpton

Sunday 28th March at 9.30am Palm Sunday Service of Blessing Palm Crosses, Passion of Jesus & Holy Communion

Thursday 1st April at 7pm Service of Holy Communion for Maundy Thursday.

Good Friday 2nd April at 9am Raising the Cross at Peter’s Green in conjunction with Peter’s Green Baptist Chapel, followed by socially distanced Walk of Witness from Peter’s Green to Kimpton.

Good Friday 2nd April at 11.30am at Kimpton Church –a short service reflecting on the events of Good Friday and Jesus’ death on the cross.

During the day BLAST families create an Easter Garden in church.

Easter Sunday 4th April 6.30am Sunrise service – kindling the fire for the 1st Holy Communion of Easter.

Easter Sunday 4th April 9.30am Celebrate Easter with the Risen Christ. Bring a flower to bring the bare cross into bloom. Children’s’ activities.

Kimpton churchyard trail

From Palm Sunday, there be a new trail in Kimpton churchyard to follow specially for Holy Week.
Look out for Easter Mouse who helps to tell you the story of Jesus’ last week with his friends and of his betrayal and death 2,000 years ago.
On Saturday 3rd April 2-5pm there is an Easter trail organized by Kimpton School PTA around the whole village with a stop at the church.
Come along and enjoy both.