Community Defibrillator Training Session – Wednesday 26th June 7.00pm Kimpton Memorial Hall
Please come along and find out how to use a defibrillator and expand the number of people in the parish that feel confident to help in an emergency. As the Community Heartbeat Trust says “No one will criticise you for trying to save a life! The defibrillator will not function unless it determines there is a need, so do not worry about using one!”

We have a network of defibrillators in the parish; all the same model ‘Life-Line View’.
• Outside Kimpton Primary School
• Outside Budgens, Claggy Road
• Inside Kimpton Memorial Hall
• Outside Kimpton Tennis Clubhouse, Parkfield Sports Ground
• Outside The Pavilion, Recreation Ground
• In the old phone box at The Bright Star, Peters Green
• 49 Beech Road, Blackmore End
• Switchshop, Enterprize Park, Claggy Road

Martin Fagan’s 24 minute awareness talk


Lifeline View Film