Kimpton Village Choir Concert

Sunday 4th December at 7.30pm to 10pm in the Parish Church. Join Kimpton Village Choir and special guests for an evening of music and song, in the magical setting of Kimpton Parish Church to get you in the mood for Christmas. It’s the perfect way to start the...

Kimpton Christmas Party!

Saturday 10th December, Kimpton Memorial Hall, 8pm All welcome to come and kick off a cracking Kimpton Christmas – dance the night away with The Bee Stung Lip. Tickets £10 plus booking fee

Santa Trail and Grotto

Saturday 3rd December 2022, 12-4pm around Kimpton Village. Solve the clues to find the location of the next Christmas Tree. Find all the Trees to discover the location of Santa’s Grotto. Visit Santa to receive your Christmas Gift. Tickets are £3.50 per child. Details...

Santa Fun Run

Kick off your Kimpton Christmas Market day in style with our friendly Santa Fun Run! Starting at 11.45am on Saturday 3rd December, on Hoo Park Road, this 3km route is on a paved footpath out to Hoo Park and back. Everyone is welcome, Adults, Children, Dogs! All...

New lighting from Budgens to Wren Close

At the Kimpton Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 26th October, County Cllr Richard Thake reported that he is able to provide financial support for lighting on the bridlepath from Budgens to Wren Close. This will improve the safety of pedestrian access to the...

Hertfordshire’s Cost of Living winter appeal

Following the government’s recent announcement that all households will receive £400 back towards fuel costs, Herts Community Foundation (HCF) is inviting those who are financially secure to donate some or all of their rebate to HCF. Every penny raised will stay in...