Herts Fire and Rescue – Wet Test

Herts County Council, Herts Fire and Rescue Service, Kimpton Parish Council, Environment Agency and North Herts District Council have been conducting water flow tests today on the recently cleansed drainage system. In doing so we understand that some residents have...

Herts Fire and Rescue Wet Test

Herts Fire and Rescue (HFRS) will be in Claggy Road, Kimpton on Wednesday 31 March between 9:30am and 12:30pm to investigate how water flows could behave on Claggy Road should flooding occur. These timings are approximate, and the test may finish later, depending on...

Holy Week and Easter Church Services 2021

St Peter & St Paul Church, Kimpton Sunday 28th March at 9.30am Palm Sunday Service of Blessing Palm Crosses, Passion of Jesus & Holy Communion Thursday 1st April at 7pm Service of Holy Communion for Maundy Thursday. Good Friday 2nd April at 9am Raising the...

Census 2021

With March 21 literally around the corner, Census 2021 is in full swing in Hertfordshire. The letters, with your unique access codes, have all gone out and responses are already coming in. “A successful census will help give the best picture of the needs of everyone...

Notice of Vacancy for Kimpton Parish Council

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a casual vacancy has arisen in the Office of Councillor for the Parish Council. If by Tuesday 30th March (14 days after the date of this notice) a request for an election to fill said vacancy is made in writing to the Proper Officer at the...