Hospital patient visiting restrictions

  Following careful consideration, hospitals across Hertfordshire are reintroducing visiting restrictions. It’s only possible to visit your loved ones in hospital in exceptional circumstances. The difficult decision has been taken due to the rising number...

North Herts Council Offices are closed

North Herts Council will be closing their Gernon Road offices in Letchworth to the public from Monday, 13 December. While this unfortunately means they will not be holding face-to-face appointments for now, you can still contact us in the usual ways – online and...

Kimpton Christmas Mugs

If you missed out on your Kimpton Christmas Mug 2021, want to replace any broken of our 2018 design or need a last minute gift we have a few for sale at £6ea for 2021 and £5ea for 2018. Please message or email and we can arrange...

Christmas Lights in Kimpton

Kimpton Parish Council will be switching on our festive lights today at 3pm. You will see displays on The Green, Church Lane, Coopers Hill triangle, Kimpton School and a new display along Church Path between Park Lane and Church Lane. Our thanks to the generosity of...