Have your say on how Herts County Council Tax is spent in 2022/23

Hertfordshire CC budget proposals are set to focus on things that matter most, the health and well being of people, protecting and improving our environment and the sustainable, responsible growth of the county. If you live or work in Hertfordshire, please give you...

Winter in Hertfordshire from Herts County Council

During the last few weeks our fleet of 58 gritters have often been out on two runs a day salting the county’s roads. This was because we have seen road temperatures dropping to around -5°C on several of the coldest nights for many years. Gritters are sent out when...

Hospital patient visiting restrictions

  Following careful consideration, hospitals across Hertfordshire are reintroducing visiting restrictions. It’s only possible to visit your loved ones in hospital in exceptional circumstances. The difficult decision has been taken due to the rising number...