Welcome to the Kimpton Website


The site provides news, details of local services, events and useful information whether you are a Kimpton resident, a visitor or work here.

Latest News

Planning Applications

Kimpton Parish Council considers planning applications relevant to the parish at the monthly full council meetings. You can find more information regarding planning applications that have been submitted and their status by visiting the NHDC planning application page

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How to Protect Households From Groundwater Flooding?

Rob Pike from RAB Consultants shares his expertise on Property Flood Resilience and the challenges groundwater flooding offers when defending buildings. We are also joined by community member Susan Young, who shared her experience of being flooded by groundwater just...

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HertsHelp is an independent information and advice service, acting as a gateway to voluntary services in Hertfordshire. They can link people to services including Community Help Hertfordshire for volunteer support, Hertswise dementia support, CAB's for Debt and...

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Defibrillator Training

Community Defibrillator Training Session – Wednesday 26th June 7.00pm Kimpton Memorial Hall Please come along and find out how to use a defibrillator and expand the number of people in the parish that feel confident to help in an emergency. As the Community Heartbeat...

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Kimpton email news bulletin

In addition to the Kimpton Parish Council website, we use our page on FaceBook and email bulletins to pass on news and local updates. If you would like to be included on the distribution list for the ebulletin please forward your email to clerk@kimptonpc.org.uk

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Low cost activities across Hertfordshire

Sign up for a library card Visit Herts Archives Get an audiobook through Borrowbox Visit a local museum Take a ride at East Herts Miniature Railway Family Fun Event with Family Centres Go fly a kite Celebrate 100 years of Hertford North Station Go bird watching Arts...

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