Business Directory

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Mary Durward
Listing Category

Mary Durward, the home of modern, elegant, affordable, luxury jewellery.
Our designs feature freshwater pearls and semi-precious gemstones, 14k gold and sterling silver.
​Following a missed shopping opportunity whilst on holiday in Copenhagen a couple of years ago, I started to think about recreating some earrings I had seen but never bought - the ones that got away! As I researched styles and suppliers from around the world, I slowly started to dream up new ideas for more jewellery that could be worn every day, and for every occasion. I wanted my designs to capture the light and flatter the face, to finish off an outfit and to make every day a special one. When I wear my jewellery I feel just a little bit more 'put together', and the world is a slightly better place.

This is jewellery for grown-ups, made with high-quality materials and fresh, modern and relevant designs. It is for each and every day, whatever that may bring: Puttin' On The Ritz or putting out the bins.
Mary Durward jewellery is elegant, versatile, hard-working, and life-enhancing - just like us!

High Street, Kimpton