Planning Applications


Response required by 23rd April 2021 (KPC by 29th April)

Address: The White Horse Public House, 22 - 24 High Street, Kimpton

Planning Reference: 21/01018/FP

Full Planning Permission : Change of Use and conversion of former White Horse

PH to a mixed use comprising a single residential dwelling (Use Class C3), offices

and associated lobby (Use Class E, formerly B1(a)), and micropub (Sui Generis,

formerly Use Class A4). External annexe for garage and studio use ancillary to the

main dwelling. Demolition of the existing rear shed, lean-to and rear portions of the

property. Structural works, replacement floors walls, subdivision and replacement

of the main roof and existing windows, internal alterations, servicing and rear

extensions to facilitate these changes.

Plans and associated documents can be seen on


General Comments:

1.     We welcome applications that offer a high quality of design, affordability, meet government national space standards, proven defined sustainable delivery, address community defined requirements and add value to the parish.

2.     The applicant purchased the building in 2017 with the intent of operating a pub/ restaurant.

3.     The applicant refers to pre-application 18/02728/PRE which we understand was to convert the building into a 200-person wedding and conference centre focussed upon a client base from outside of the community. The owner has been viewed as having a rather unusual approach in entertaining such a consideration and it is not with surprise that we learn that NHDC were un-supportive of such changes.

4.     The applicant also refers to pre-application 19/01206/PRE which we understand relates closely to the current planning application. On 1st of April 202, KPC requested copies from NHDC of their full response to both pre-applications as they are referred to extensively within this application. We are currently awaiting NHDC issue of such information and NHDC has agreed that it will accept comment from KPC arising from the issue of this information.

5.     The re-opening of The White Horse has been a much-awaited event by the community. The current owner has been in possession of the building for approximately 4 years during which time the building has been allowed to visibly deteriorate and we are pleased to see the first concrete progress by the submission of a planning application.

6.     The site is a Grade II Listed Building, lies within Kimpton conservation area and currently has ACV status until 2025.

7.     The main areas that the KPC wish to more fully understand are:

a.     How is the proposal of benefit to the community?

b.     How soon will the essential repairs stated in the application be carried out and what measures will be put in place to prevent further deterioration?

c.     In view of the extensive works proposed and the apparent need for party wall agreements with neighbours, what length of time, from the initial planning approval to a meaningful start of the works, is likely to occur?


These points are discussed in planning terms within the following pages and we would welcome NHDC addressing these matters.

8.     The proposed scheme increases the overall area to approximately 400m2 and comprises:

a.     56m2 Pub (14%),

b.     282m2 Residential (70%)

c.      62m2 Office (16%).

This is a significant reduction in area of Pub space from 344m2 when it was last operating in 2015.

9.     Plans - Existing and proposed floor plans. (Drawings 039 041. 042, 043, and summary)

The applicant’s submission states that the proposed area GIFA will be increased from 260.4m2 to 400.2m2. An increase of 139.8m2 (54%) above the original.

This is a significant increase for a site within a conservation area.

10.  The application proposes the demolition of over 25% of the existing listed buildings.

11.  Underpinning. Drawing 039 032 Rev –

This drawing indicates underpinning beneath the existing boundary wall and underneath the neighbour’s wall. The applicant will be required to obtain agreement with neighbours and we would enquire as to whether these agreements have been reached in principle. If not, how likely is the project to be realised?

12.  Public Notice.

As of the 11 April 2021 no public notices have been displayed.

13. The building is currently unoccupied except for the seasonal occupation of the office space when the owner is in the country.


Material Planning Considerations:

14.  NHDC Emerging Local Plan 2011-31 ETC7 states:

“Scattered local shops and services in towns and villages Planning permission for small-scale proposals providing new shops and services will be granted within existing settlements to serve the local community as an exception to the sequential approach set out in Policy ETC3(a). Planning permission for the loss or change of use of any shops, services or facilities outside the defined retail hierarchy will be granted where:

a. There is another shop, service or facility of a similar use available for customers within a convenient walking distance; and

b. The proposed replacement use would complement the function and character of the area.”

The applicants Planning Statement Clause 3.5 states that there is a “similar facility within 800m”. This would only be the case if the applicant chose to offer similar amenities to those already available at this other facility, namely The Boot. The applicant has not provided a business case for his proposal but from our understanding based upon verbal discussion, he is not intending to offer a similar service provision, nor would it be a likely sustainable solution to do so.

The Kimpton Parish Council letter of December 2015 to NHDC in the ACV review of 2015 makes the argument that the two establishments offered very different services to different demographic customer bases. 

“The statement on page 7 and 8 of the “review document” attempts to make a case that all Pubs are equal. This is clearly incorrect. The Boot PH offers a different service to that which was offered by The White Horse PH. This is demonstrated by the results of the village questionnaire. One pub in a village will not cover the full demographic spread of a village.”


ETC7 does not therefore currently serve as a justification for cause of change of use.

15.  NHDC Emerging Local Plan 2011-31 ETC7 clause 5.35 and 5.36 states:

“5.35 However, given the high value of residential land in the rural area, there is often pressure from landowners to change the use of, or redevelop, existing facilities for residential purposes. This may be the case even where the business is thriving, if the return on an existing use is less than can be gained from residential development.

5.36 These facilities should be protected wherever possible and the policy seeks to prevent their loss. However, where it can be shown such facilities are no longer needed and not viable, then permission may be granted for a change of use.”


This clearly states the opposite of the argument made by the applicant within their Planning Statement clauses 3.5, 3.6, and 3.7 which therefore questions their argument made under ETC7. The applicant must therefore demonstrate that the facilities are no longer needed or viable. This has not been demonstrated.

16.  NHDC Emerging Local Plan 2011-31 ETC7

The applicant’s Planning Statement Clause 3.16 states that the case of The White Horse, Kimpton has many similarities with The Maidens Head, Whitwell, and therefore a change of use should be granted; however, they are not similar cases in key areas.

The previous owner of The White Horse, having successfully appealed the planning refusal in 2018 for The Maidens Head, chose not to appeal the planning refusal for The White Horse.

There was clearly reason for such a decision.

The planning application for The Maidens Head referred to in the appeal is Ref 17/00442/1, dated 21 February 2017. By this date the Kimpton community group had already made 2 formal offers to the previous owner, Haut Ltd., to purchase The White Horse pub.

At the beginning of February 2017, at the instruction of Haut Ltd. formal invitation to purchase the pub were requested by his agents, Connells. Three formal offers to purchase and operate the building as a pub were made, including one from the current owner.

At the time of the appeal for The Maidens Head, the Kimpton community group had produced and published a business case for the intended operation of The White Horse facility.

17.  NHDC Emerging Local Plan 2011-31 ETC7 Planning Statement Clause 3.16

The applicant within their planning Statement clause 3.14 states: -

“The Maidens Head refusal was ultimately allowed at appeal (Appeal ref. APP/X1925/W/17/3188915, decision attached as Appendix 3) with the Inspector considering that the proposal was compliant with Emerging Policy ETC7, and that, in his opinion, the public house was unlikely to be viable owing to a number of reasons such as “changing consumer behaviour and spending patterns, up-front refurbishment costs, available and potential floorspace, car parking provision, and competition from existing public houses in the area.””


In the case of The White Horse, NHDC have already given consideration to this matter:

- in the information provided at the original planning application for change of use in 2015

- the application for ACV made by Kimpton Parish council in 2015 and 2020

- and the information provided by Kimpton Parish Council to them at the review of the 2015 ACV, undertaken at the request of Haut Ltd.


Should the application be refused permission there is less merit in the applicant’s argument for appeal as they described above.

18.  NPPF Feb 2019 Clause 198. States:

“Local planning authorities should not permit the loss of the whole or part of a heritage asset without taking all reasonable steps to ensure the new development will proceed after the loss has occurred.”


In view of the statement made by the applicant within the Conditional Report October 2020 1.0 Executive Summary, states:

 “In summary, a holistic and conservation-led package of remedial work should be prepared as a matter of urgency to avoid the loss of historic fabric and reduction in significance of the heritage asset”


 “Hazardous joists spanning at ground floor level above the basement also require urgent attention.”

We would again request NHDC to put in place immediately a listed building repairs notice and place the building upon the risk list as they have previously stated that they would do.

19.  NHDC Emerging Local Plan 2011-31 Policy SP9: Design and Sustainability states:

“The Council considers good design to be a key aspect of sustainable development. We will:

a.     Support new development where it is well designed and located and responds positively to its local context:”

At the north and west boundary of the site the proposed new construction has a height of approximately 7.5m to the top of the structure from ground level at the boundary with residential property. The manner of this extension is also out of keeping with surrounding properties and of a vernacular not seen elsewhere in the village. The height of this structure should be reduced.

20.  NHDC Emerging Local Plan 2011-31 Policy SP10: Healthy communities states:

“We will provide and maintain healthy, inclusive communities for our residents. We will:

b.     Support the retention of existing community, cultural, leisure or recreation facilities;”

We do not see how the applicant’s proposal retains the original extent of community facility and we believe the size of the element offered as pub use needs to be increased above the currently proposed 14% of the total. 

21.  NHDC Emerging Local Plan 2011-31 Clause 4.162 states:

“Historic England maintains a national register of Heritage at risk for sites that are most at risk of being lost as a result of neglect, decay or inappropriate development. The Council will also explore, with parish councils and designated neighbourhood planning groups, the possibility of developing a list of locally designated heritage assets at risk. If implemented, we would work with Historic England, owners and occupiers to find new, appropriate uses and solutions to secure the future of heritage assets.”


In view of the statement made by the applicant within the Conditional Report October 2020 1.0 Executive Summary states:

 “In summary, a holistic and conservation-led package of remedial work should be prepared as a matter of urgency to avoid the loss of historic fabric and reduction in significance of the heritage asset.”


“Hazardous joists spanning at ground floor level above the basement also require urgent attention,”


We would again request NHDC to put in place immediately a listed building repairs notice and place the building upon the building at risk list as they have previously stated that they would do.

22.  Building repairs. No significant maintenance has taken place to the building within the last 6 years. NHDC have previously stated that they would issue a repair notice and place the building upon an at-risk list. NHDC have stated that they will not take action during planning application. We request that whatever the outcome NHDC issue a repair notice and place the building upon an at-risk list after/as part of planning decision.

23.  NHDC Emerging Local Plan 2011-31 Policy D1: Sustainable design states:

“Planning permission will be granted where development proposals:

a.            Respond positively to the site’s local context;”


At the north and west boundary of the site the proposed new construction has a height of approximately 7.5m to the top of the structure from ground level near to the boundary with residential property. The manner of this extension is also out of context with surrounding properties and of a vernacular not seen elsewhere in the village. The height of this structure should be reduced.

24.  NHDC Emerging Local Plan 2011-31Policy D2: House extensions, replacement dwellings and outbuildings states:

“Planning permission for house extensions will be granted where:

a. The extension is sympathetic to the existing house in height, form, proportions, window details and materials;

b. Pitched roofs are used where appropriate, particularly if the extension is more than the height of a single storey;

c. Rear extensions do not dominate adjoining properties and are well related to the levels of adjoining properties, the direction the house faces and the distance between the extension and the windows in the next-door properties; and

d. Side extensions, at first floor level or above, adjoining a residential plot to the side are at least 1 metre from the boundary to ensure there is no adverse impact on the character of the street scene.. Planning permission for replacement dwellings and outbuildings will be granted where:

e. The proposal enhances the character and setting of the site; and

f. The location of the proposal does not have an adverse impact on the character of the street scene or area.”


The proposed extension on the western boundary is of 2 stories and is within 1 metre of the boundary. The proposal fails to meet the requirements of Policy D2. a, b, c, d, e, and f.

25.  NHDC Emerging Local Plan 2011-31 Policy D3: Protecting living conditions states:

“Planning permission will be granted for development proposals which do not cause unacceptable harm to living conditions. Where the living conditions of proposed developments would be affected by an existing use or the living conditions of an existing development would be affected by a proposed use, the Council will consider whether there are mitigation measures that can be taken to mitigate the harm to an acceptable level. If the Council is not satisfied that mitigation proposals would address the identified harm, development proposals will not be permitted.”


In regard to this requirement, we refer to the proposed Kitchen Discharge. Drawing 039 031 Rev C.

This drawing indicates a commercial kitchen discharge within 2m of the site’s western boundary with a residential property. A planning noise level should be agreed with the environmental health department for day and night time and set as a planning condition. We have not seen a noise level survey within the application but would expect this condition to be set at 3dB below existing.

26.  NHDC Emerging Local Plan 2011-31 Policy D4: Air quality Planning permission will be granted where development proposals states:

“a. Give consideration to the potential or actual impact on local air quality, both during the demolition/ construction phase and as a result of its final occupation and use;

b. Propose appropriate levels of mitigation to minimise emissions to the atmosphere and their potential effects upon health and the local environment; and

c. Carry out air pollution impact assessments, where required, to determine the impact on local air quality of the development, otherwise the development may be refused. Where air pollution impact assessments are not required there will still be a requirement on developers to provide appropriate levels of mitigation to address emissions of pollutants to the atmosphere.”

The application proposes to place a commercial kitchen discharge 2 meters from the boundary with a residential property. The applicant should confirm proposed means of ensuring the above policy is complied with.

27.  NPPF Feb 2019 Clause 148 states:

“The planning system should support the transition to a low carbon future in a changing climate, taking full account of flood risk and coastal change. It should help to: shape places in ways that contribute to radical reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, minimise vulnerability and improve resilience; encourage the reuse of existing resources, including the conversion of existing buildings; and support renewable and low carbon energy and associated infrastructure.”

KPC and NHDC have adopted a ‘climate emergency’ policy. Please confirm what the climate impact of the development is and what avoidance of external energy and water usage has been incorporated within the application. There is currently no quantifiable statement within the application.

No commitment is made to the providing of electric car charging points to either residents or visitors.

No mention is made of the energy source for the property.

No clear statement is made to the overall thermal performance of the building.

The applicant has not demonstrated how the proposal supports this requirement. These issues should be addressed by the applicant.

28.  NPPF Feb 2019 Clause 151 states:

“To help increase the use and supply of renewable and low carbon energy and heat, plans should:

a) provide a positive strategy for energy from these sources, that maximises the potential for suitable development, while ensuring that adverse impacts are addressed satisfactorily (including cumulative landscape and visual impacts);”

The applicant has not quantifiably demonstrated how the proposal supports this requirement. These issues should be addressed by the applicant.


29.  NHDC Local Development Framework. Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document November 2006 2.7.3 Policy 2 – Design and Provision of Development.

This requires developers to provide or finance the cost of provision that is fairly and reasonably related in scale and kind to the proposed development. It goes on to state that:

“Planning obligations will be sought prior to the issue of planning permission. Provisions will cover those necessary to serve the development, to mitigate its impact or to offset the loss of or impact on an existing resource, or otherwise necessary in the interests of comprehensive planning and sustainable development.”

We ask that the appropriate contributions required by this document are made as part of any planning permission and obtained prior to any consent.

30.  NPPF Feb 2019 Clause 194 states:

“Any harm to, or loss of, the significance of a designated heritage asset (from its alteration or destruction, or from development within its setting), should require clear and convincing justification. Substantial harm to or loss of:

a)     grade II listed buildings, or grade II registered parks or gardens, should be exceptional;

Exceptional justification to demolish 25% of the existing Grade II Listed Building has not been made.

31.  NPPF Feb 2019 Clause 195 states:

“Where a proposed development will lead to substantial harm to (or total loss of significance of) a designated heritage asset, local planning authorities should refuse consent, unless it can be demonstrated that the substantial harm or total loss is necessary to achieve substantial public benefits that outweigh that harm or loss, or all of the following apply:

a) the nature of the heritage asset prevents all reasonable uses of the site; and

b) no viable use of the heritage asset itself can be found in the medium term through appropriate marketing that will enable its conservation; and

c) conservation by grant-funding or some form of not for profit, charitable or public ownership is demonstrably not possible; and

d) the harm or loss is outweighed by the benefit of bringing the site back into use.”

Insufficient evidence has been provided by the applicant that alternative uses for the site have been exhausted. We understand that the applicant has received at least two offers to purchase the site for community use without need to demolish 25% of the existing Listed Building. One of these offers was received from a community group. We therefore conclude that the requirements of Clause 195 a) or, b), or c) have failed to be met.

32.  NPPF Feb 2019 Clause 196 states:

“Where a development proposal will lead to less than substantial harm to the significance of a designated heritage asset, this harm should be weighed against the public benefits of the proposal including, where appropriate, securing its optimum viable use.”

We have not seen clear evidence of how the public benefits outweigh the harm caused to the heritage asset.

33.  Plans - Extract and Waste Plans.

The applicant proposes to construct a bin area on the front elevation of the Grade II Listed Building for Pub use. However, the residential bin store is indicated adjacent to a doorway from the pub kitchen at the rear of the property.

Why is the entire bin store not shown in this location at the rear of the building thus avoiding the intrusion onto the front elevation?

34.  NHDC Emerging Local Plan 2011-31 Policy SP13: Historic environment states:

“The Council will balance the need for growth with the proper protection and enhancement of the historic environment. We will pursue a positive strategy for the conservation and enjoyment of the historic environment through:

a. Maintaining a strong presumption in favour of the retention, preservation and enhancement of heritage assets and their setting;

b. Identifying sites on the national register of Heritage at Risk or the local risk register;

c. Periodic reviews of Conservation Areas and other locally designated assets; and

d. Publication of detailed guidance.”


Exceptional justification to demolish 25% of the existing Grade II Listed Building has not been made.


Response required by 23rd April 2021 (KPC by 29th April)

Address: The White Horse Public House, 22 - 24 High Street, Kimpton

Planning Reference: 21/01019/LBC

Listed Building Consent : Change of Use and conversion of former White Horse

PH to a mixed use comprising a single residential dwelling (Use Class C3), offices

and associated lobby (Use Class E, formerly B1(a)), and micropub (Sui Generis,

formerly Use Class A4). External annexe for garage and studio use ancillary to the

main dwelling. Demolition of the existing rear shed, lean-to and rear portions of the

property. Structural works, replacement floors walls, subdivision and replacement

of the main roof and existing windows, internal alterations, servicing and rear

extensions to facilitate these changes.

Plans and associated documents can be seen on

Please see above comments for 21/01018/FP


Response required by 24th April 2021 (KPC by 29th April)


Address: Half Moon Lodge, Lawrence End Road, Peters Green

Planning Reference: 21/01001/FPH

Full Permission Householder : Erection of detached double garage and utility room

building following demolition of existing detached garage


Plans and associated documents can be seen on

General Comments:

1.     We welcome applications that offer a high quality of design, affordability, meet government national space standards, proven defined sustainable delivery, address community defined requirements and add value to the parish.

2.     The site has existing permission for the conversation of the existing double garage to the east of the property into a separate residential dwelling, and also permission to construct a single garage to the west of the property.

3.     This application is for the construction of a double garage in place of the as yet unbuilt permission for a single garage.


4.     The site is within the designated Green Belt in both the current NHDC Local Plan 1996 and the Emerging Local Plan 2011-31

Material Planning Considerations:

5.     NPPF Section 145 states:

“A local planning authority should regard the construction of new buildings as inappropriate in the Green Belt. Exceptions to this are:

c) the extension or alteration of a building provided that it does not result in disproportionate additions over and above the size of the original building; “


The applicant’s design and access statement section 7.2 rely upon the above clause as the grounds for the granting of planning consent.

We are of the view that the applicant’s evaluation is incorrect since it compares the size of increase between the approved, but unbuilt, permission of 18/1842/FPH.and the current application

When comparing the increase in volume the original existing construction should be used for this purpose and therefore the increase is significant.

On this basis the application does not meet the requirements of section 145.

Should it be a requirement of the owner to have a double garage we note that they are liberty to retain the existing double garage to provide such amenity.

6.     Applicants Design and access Statement 7.4 Scale

The proposal is significantly higher, at 5.5 metres, than the existing outbuilding and significantly higher than that which last obtaining planning permission under 18/1842/FPH

7.     Applicants Design and access Statement 7.5 Appearance

The proposal when taken in conjunction with the granted permission 19/2541/FPH would provide a near continuous length of construction from one end of the site to the other, a distance of close to 30m. Such construction would be out of keeping for an area within the Green Belt.


Response required by 2nd May 2021.


Address: 14 Probyn Close, Kimpton

Planning Reference: 21/01079/FPH

Full Permission Householder: Single storey rear extension following removal of

rear decking


Plans and associated documents can be seen on


General Comments:

1.     We welcome applications that offer a high quality of design, affordability, meet government national space standards, proven defined sustainable delivery, address community defined requirements and add value to the parish.

2.     The application is for a single storey extension of approximately 9m2.

3.     The extension height at the boundary is less than 3 metres.





Planning Decisions by NHDC



Application: 21/00464/PNM

Proposal: Conversion of ground floor (A2) office to residential (C3) to

provide additional living accommodation to existing dwelling.

Location: Wells House, 51 High Street, Kimpton, Hitchin, Hertfordshire,


Plan Nos: Location plan, Existing floor plan, Proposed floor plan

Decision: Grant permission with conditions


Application: 21/00126/FPH

Proposal: Part two storey and part single storey front, side and rear extensions and the widening of the existing dropped kerb (as amended by plans received on 05/03/21).

Location: 2 Dacre Crescent, Kimpton, Hitchin, Hertfordshire, SG4 8QJ

Plan Nos: 943-01B 943 01

Decision: Grant permission with conditions


Application: 21/00398/FPH

Proposal: Single storey front extension, re-clad front and rear elevations

and conversion of garage into part habitable accommodation

and part front Store following demolition of existing rear


Location: 8 Blackmore Way, Blackmore End, St Albans, Hertfordshire,


Plan Nos: 5467-200 5467-01A

Decision: Grant permission with conditions



Application: 20/00642/FP

Proposal: Change of use of Barn and East & West Stables to ancillary

residential accommodation and change of use of land from

agricultural to residential. Single storey link extension between

Farmhouse and East Stables and between East Stables and

Barn and single storey extension to front (east side) of West


Location: Rye End Farm, Green Lane, Codicote, Hitchin, Hertfordshire,












Decision: Grant permission with conditions




Application: 20/00643/LBC

Proposal: Internal and external alterations to Barn, East Stables and

West Stables. Single storey link extension between

Farmhouse and East Stables and between East Stables and

Barn (as amended by drawing nos. REF/DRKDRS/11 Rev F; -

12F; -13E; -14F; -15D; -16D; -17B; -18G; -19E; -20D and -22B

received on 16/12/2020 and as amplified by drawing nos. nos.

REF-MNP-WSC-SK-S-4011 Rev P1 and MBS-280 East

Stables and MBS-280 West Stables received on 21/01/2021).

Location: Rye End Farm, Green Lane, Codicote, Hitchin, Hertfordshire,


Approved Plan Nos: REF/DRKDRS/21, REF/DRKDRS/22, REF/DRKDRS/1 Rev A






MBS-280 East Stables Internal Elevations

MBS-280 West Stables Internal Elevations






Decision: Grant permission with conditions



Application: 21/00601/FPH

Proposal: Erection of detached garage/home office, installation of pool

and erection of pool equipment shed

Location: Little Plummers, Plummers Lane, Peters Green, Luton,

Hertfordshire, LU2 9PP

Plan Nos: JY05TGC2020-01 rev 1 JY07TGC2020-02 T.457.A Location


Decision: Grant permission with conditions